…give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word
Acts 6:4
Living is hard these days Lord.
My heart is being squeezed dry every day.
I don’t like who I am.
I love You.
But I don’t like who I am.
I don’t like who I am. I love You. But I don’t like who I am.
Nevertheless, it doesn’t change who You are.
Lord of light and love, You are God, the only One. You are greater still. You are greater than this, or any other circumstance.
Father I lift up to You my husband once again. Yesterday, today, and for always—keep Him close to You.
This is my prayer—remind him who he is in You. Refresh his spirit, fill him with more and more and more of You until there is nothing left of him, but only You and You and You throughout.
Quiet his soul, quiet the voices in his head that say things that bring him down.
Heal his mind, make him whole again. Heal what is broken. Mend what is shattered.
You know him inside and out. You know his innermost fears, You know the things that bring him down.
Lift him up Jesus. Take him out from where he is right now.
Bring him into the path of the people You will use to speak into his life.
Cover him with Your divine protection.
Listen to his prayers Lord, and may they align with Your purpose for him.
God, pull him close, closer! to You.
Embrace him. Envelop him. Overwhelm him with your goodness.
And do for him what you did for me, what you have done again and again in the lives of countless others. Change his mind, change his heart, and set his eyes upon You and You alone.
Because You are the only One that can do this. You are the only capable of all impossible things on earth.
And surely, love will follow. Goodness will follow. Grace will follow.
Lord, even now as he feels lost, or bewildered, or confused, be his guiding light.
If he feels tired, or weary, be his comfort.
If he feels weak, be his strength.
If he feels aimless, be his purpose.
Jesus, this is the desire of my heart. These are tears that I bring before You. This is what I lay down before You.
Jesus, we need You.