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Everyday another scratch, another mark

Making the wound bigger, opening the tear

How will it have time to heal

I’m giving you your space. I’m giving you what you asked for. It’s the hardest thing for me to do, but I’m trying to do it for you.

I haven’t forgotten you. I haven’t stopped pining for you. I’m trying to bother you as little as possible.

I’m still praying for you.

I still love you.

I’m so hungry. But when I’m in front of food, I feel like I want to vomit it up, even before it’s touched my mouth.

I want to be empty. I want to be as hollowed out physically as I feel inside my head, inside my heart.

I want to be flattened out.

I want to be nothing.

I want to fade away into nothing.

I want to return to dust.

And know nothing.

Be nothing.

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