In strength and weariness

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I can do all things through him who gives me strength.

Philippians 4:13

My beloved,
How are you doing right now?

Surely you have discovered some of your strengths and weaknesses in the course of your life. How in certain aspects you are good at and some you are not. Know that you are unique. That there is no one else in all creation who is like you. Therefore, do not compare yourself with anybody else. What you can do is, be the best version of yourself. Know that there are still room for new exploits and discoveries, growth and progress. Persevere in the areas that you need improvement on, know that you are capable of becoming better, wiser. Do not be dismayed nor discouraged when you hit a wall. Know that some walls you need to climb, some walls you need to breakthrough and some, when you need to go back the way you came.

I am always with you. In your weakness, let me carry you. Seek and you shall find me in our secret place. Know as well that I have many sons and daughters in this city. Whose doors will open when you ask. There is no shame in asking. On the other hand, do not hold back when you see your brother or your sister is in need. Embrace wisdom as you exercise the giving of yourselves in the body of Christ.

You have all that you need to do well in this world. You are able to let your light shine brightly in your marketplace, your family and the world around you. You are strong because you have Me in your life. You are never alone.

I hate being sick. I used to pride myself in claiming that I never get sick.  Or almost never at least.  It would be flu season, or cold season, and everyone around me would be coughing or sniffling, and I would be perfectly fine.

When I do get sick though, like with a high fever, I turn into a total baby.  I put myself on bed rest, whimper, whine, and cry. I even call out for my mother, even though I know full well that I’ve moved out of the house. It’s a total physical and emotional meltdown.

I figured it out a while back though.  I realised that the reason I was being this way was because I didn’t like the loss of self-control that being sick entailed.  I didn’t like being weak.  I didn’t like being down and out. And since I didn’t know how to pray for miracles then, I thought all I had to rely on were time, and medicine, and both were too slow for me.

Also, apart from my mother, I didn’t have anyone else I could call for help.

Of course now it’s all different, what with God, and miracles, and friends who can take care of me, and a partner who is especially gifted in the “acts of service” love language.

I still hate being sick.  But I don’t whimper, whine, and cry anymore.  I know now that Jesus made sure that there is no need for any of that.

Except for the bed rest part.  That one is still crucial.


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