In good times and in bad

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The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.

Psalm 3:1

My love,
There may be times that you need a hug because of things happening your way, perhaps it could be because of disappointments, confusion or a broken heart. But you will also be brimming with excitement for great things and it is during this time that you would want to share it with me. Always remember that in good times and in bad I am always here for you.

I love you with my everlasting and unfailing love. In good times, I rejoice and celebrate with you. With all the richness of my house, I promise to give you the best. In bad times, I make sure you feel that I am even closer to you – protecting you and guiding you through. You can always and forever count on me as your Father in heaven.

Before I knew Jesus, I didn’t know love.  I only knew give and take.  I only knew right and wrong. I knew morality, and civility, and politeness, and social mores.  I was an obedient daughter, but only because my parents didn’t demand anything from me.  I gave to them financially.  I was a law-abiding member of society.  I didn’t have any enemies.  I had friends, but I didn’t share of myself.  I went out on dates, but only to have a good dinner.

I thought that was all there was.

Sure, I know of love, see it everywhere in media, in books, movies, TV. There must be some truth to it, I supposed.  But I was never jealous, never wanting, always just accepting of the fact that it wasn’t true for me, not part of my reality.

But then, magically, miraculously, something happened.  I met Jesus, and suddenly there was something in me that was awoken.  Something that I never thought possible.  I felt. More than I ever had before.  It was new, exciting, scary, glorious, terrifying, and amazing all at the same time.

Before Jesus, I was alive.  After Him, I was in love.


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