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Love is not love when you withhold it.

Just an innate desire to put out the Word of God in every platform possible, to share the goodness of Jesus to as many people possible.

Just a need to reach out to the unchurched, wherever they are, in the place where they are. If it takes getting out of our comfort zone first, then we go out first, and go where they are first, so we can take them out of there, and take them with us.

There is a risk involved in stepping in to the world, and exposing ourselves to their comments, their opinions, their culture.

But if we do not take that risk then we might as well stay in the boat, stay in our mountain, stay inside the temple walls and resign ourselves to a worship of God that is not expressed outwardly, as love for other people. We might as well be content with just obeying the first half of His command, and love God. But not our neighbors.

Or, to love our neighbors, but only to a certain extent (as long it doesn’t hurt us, as long as it is easier for us, as long as it doesn’t cost us).

And that is not love. At least, not the way that Jesus taught us.