Love is an Action Word

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This is one statement that really struck me in a sermon mp3 I was listening to the other day. The title of the series was “Sweet Relationships” and this one was about “Finding Your Soulmate”. It was an interesting topic all in all, but this one sentence struck a chord with me. It’s a creative expression I think, a new take at a familiar sentiment.  Short and succint, it puts the point across.

Love is an action word.  It’s an active, action oriented word that requires action in order to be manifested. It does not exist if it is not acted upon.

It is not merely a passive emotion.  It is something that has to be expressed in order to be actualized. It should be tangible in order to exist.

This means that saying “I love you” carries with it a lot more weight than just the implication of sentiment. The words bear so much more than just the sweetness implied. In my head those three words become fleshed out, take on a whole new meaning. It becomes, “I will do things for you,” and “I will have a positive impact on you,” and “I will make your life more wonderful as much and as often as I can.”

That in itself is a wonderful thing to have happened to those three words.  Now imagine that new meaning, and apply it to the following: “Jesus loves you.”  That statement just became a thousand times more awesome for me. He loves us with a love that is not only uplifting in the ethereal sense, but also in the real life changing aspect.  His love is not just something that is felt as a slight breeze; it is something that moves as a hurricane. His love is as real as hard currency.

Now put those two together. “I love you… like Jesus loves you.”  That’s the new commandment right there, but taken to a whole ‘nother level.  Love, like Jesus loves, but not as wimps who will just say it, but as great champions who will actually do something about it.

Some people say, “Live and Let Live”, I say, “Love, and Love Hard!”

February is making me all loopy ^_^

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