Acts Chapter 1 – Of Power and Leadership

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God enables us

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and in Samaria; and to the ends of the earth.

Acts 1:8

One of the things that resonate with me as an important point in being a Christian is that of not wasting time waiting for blessing or anointing before beginning to act on anything, believing instead that the blessing of God will come along eventually to find me and enable me to accomplish whatever it is that I am doing.  If what I am doing is according to His will, sanctioned by Him and properly prayed for, then I should have no worries that I will not be able to finish it.

This verse confirm that point.  Jesus didn’t say that we “will receive power *if* the Holy Spirit comes upon” us.  He said *when*.  Which means it is an inevitable, unstoppable, event.  And the power implied is absolute, and substantial enough to sustain us in our mission “to the ends of the earth”.  Spanning the immense entirety of the globe, so to speak.  That kind of awesome, unmitigated power.

Lord, give me the power that comes from the Holy Spirit that I might be enabled to accomplish the tasks set before me.  Let me not depend on my own strength, and let me not depend on my own wisdom, but let me draw from the limitless reserves that you have set aside for us, secure in the knowledge that you are the only source of all that we need, and that you are more than enough.

God wants us to rise up as leaders

Therefore it is necessary to choose one of the men who have been with us the whole time the Lord Jesus went in and out among us

Acts 1:21

God intends for His people to come together and be part of a church, and a big part of an effective church are strong, capable, and blessed leaders.  Leaders are God-appointed people, anointed by Him as an earthly guide to lead the people in the correct way, and ensure that they are walking in the straight and true path of the Lord.

Judas was one such appointed leader, and at this point of the story he has fallen from favor in the most disgraceful manner.  He betrayed Jesus, and was a key element in His death and crucifixion.  Yet there is no note of discouragement in the disciples’ discussion of choosing a new leader.  They know that they need another leader.  In fact they prayed about it, imploring to God for Him look into the hearts of the men they are proposing for leadership, and to show them the one that He desires to lead them.

Also, the nominees did not shirk away from the possibility of being leaders.  Especially after the last one who held the office had a break down so severe that incurable doubt set in.  Judas was probably a very stressed leader indeed.  Yet Justus and Matthias seemed to have shown no hesitation in being nominated for the position.

Lord, give me ears that are sensitive to the sound of Your holy calling, and give me a heart that does not hesitate to answer when you call.  Give me a spirit strong enough to withstand the weaknesses that my worldly memories bring, and give me a body with the strength to accomplish the tasks you will set before me.


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