The Call to Commitment

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2 Chronicles 31:20-21

  • Full commitment brings blessings. Regardless of the cost, wholehearted service is what  od requires.
  • We need to be committed to taking care of God’s house, and He will surely take care of our house.
  • A directed commitment to Jesus changes lives.
  • The Lord doesn’t just want us to acknowledge Him as saviour, He wants us to truly know Him in spirit and in truth, truly live our lives according to His Word, completely commit ourselves to Him.
  1. Commitment is based on the choice, not on the circumstances.
    • no matter what the circumstances (good or bad) we have to commit
  2. Commitment is measured not in big things, but in small things.
    • 2 Chronicles 29:3
    • we can make big differences by taking care of the small tasks
  3. Commitment is not proven by intention, but by action.
    • 2 Chronicles 31:20
    • knowing things is not enough, we must apply it; wanting results is not enough, we must set things in motion

Practical Applications
1. Commit to your personal growth
– never stop learning
– don’t let yourself stagnate

2. Commit to your local church
– the church is a channel of God’s blessings
– do not look upon imperfections, but upon opportunities for growth and improvement

3. Commit to your ministry
– being a blessing to other people brings you closer and closer to God

4. Commit to your personal purity
– God is not depriving you to enjoy sexual pleasure, He just wants you to experience the best out of it, as in everything else.

We do not serve only when it is comfortable for us, or when we do not have to exert too much effort, or when it does not take too much out of our time and resources.  Total commitment means our wholehearted effort, consistent service, and unswerving heart.

“They made a decision, but not a commitment.”

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