Day 5 Easter Fast 2013

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The apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders among the people…

Acts 5:12

Oh goodness, have I got a lot to say about miracles.  I have that story about my eyes being healed.  Then I have the one about my supposedly incurable menstrual condition just disappearing, just poof! just like that.  Then there was the months long tonsillitis that the doctor threatened to have removed by surgery if it didn’t clear up the following week.  (It did, almost overnight.)

But then, those are all the big ones.  The ones with a sort of… proof.  I have x-rays and test results and medical reports that show that I was healed, even though the doctors don’t understand it.

The point is, I know that there are countless other miracles that happen to me, even in my day to day life, in which God is the primary mover.  And the sad thing is that sometimes my eyes are closed to the manifestations.  Or that sometimes I’m not able to share them.

God, you are amazing and wonderful.  May I always be a faithful, willing, and excited witness that will testify to all the amazing and wonderful things that you can do, so that Your name will always be glorified.


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