Thoughts on Being Complete

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When we have accepted Jesus in our hearts, we are already complete in ourselves. When we have Christ in our lives, we are never alone, for we walk with God always, having been sealed in the Holy Spirit, confirmed children of the Almighty Father.

The Holy Spirit is proof that a person is in Christ.  He is a seal of assurance of the presence of God in a person’s life.  He is a guarantee of freshness, so to speak, validating that the soul of the person has already been given over to God.  It is a certification with no expiry date, an indelible stamp that never fades.

Therefore in seeking a relationship with another person we should not look for someone that will fill a hole in our lives, or someone that we think will make us whole. A relationship in which one or both are broken is not healthy, and will not lead to a wholesome union.

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