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Lord Your love is revealed to me now in the whispering breeze, in the swaying trees, in the soft blue of the sky, and in the rich, earthy smell of newly cut grass. Your presence is a wonder to behold, and I am enthralled, and it is all I can do to look away. I can feel You embrace me by the warmth of the sun, and my heart fills with joy. There is a stillness here, and a contentment that is unmatched. I hear you speak to me using the language of Your creation, and I am in awe at the message.

In this perfect moment my soul is at rest.

1 comment

  1. Somewhere in my many drafts I have a post entitled Still and it is *nothing* like the stillness described above.

    It is more along the vein of “Still? After all these years. Still?!!” or something like that.

    It’s a fun word to play with

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