The Power of the Blood of Jesus

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The Lord said to Moses and Aaron in Egypt, “This month is to be for you the first month, the first month of your year. Tell the whole community of Israel that on the tenth day of tXhis month each man is to take a lamb for his family, one for each household.

Exodus 12:1-3

7 Ways Jesus Spilled Blood

  1. From sweating drops of blood – Luke 22:4
  2. From beatings to His face – Luke 22:64
  3. From having beard plucked out – Isaiah 50:6
  4. From a brutal scourging – Matthew 27:26
  5. From the crown of thorns – Matthew 27:26
  6. From nails driven into His hands and feet – Luke 23:33
  7. From being pierced on the side with a sword – John 23:33

The blood of Jesus is more than enough. There is no more guilt and shame over us. It has the power to move heaven and earth on our behalf. It is powerful enough to save, bless, and deliver. 

When you are fearful over anything, plead the blood of Jesus over that thing that causes your apprehension. 

Oh the blood of Jesus washes me
Oh the blood it is my victory