A Mother’s Love

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1 Samuel 1:1-19

A Mother’s Love

  1. Marked by her prayer and devotion to God
  2. Marked by her trust in God to influence her children
  • The great majority of us in this family are living here as singles, or with our significant others, but not with our parents.
    • Did you come by this decision lightly?
    • If you could change your circumstances, would you prefer to still be living with your parents?
    • How does this affect your current emotional and mental state right now?
  • What cherished memories do you have of your mother?
  • Our lesson implies that one has to have the two qualities enumerated in order to be ready for motherhood.
    • For the girls, in thinking about motherhood, do you think you have the capacity to be a mother just like Hannah was in the scripture?
    • For the boys, are you ensuring that the woman you are looking for to share your life has these two qualities?
    • What things can you do now to ensure that you are preparing yourself to love as Hannah loved in the scripture?

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