Acts 10

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Everyone has the privilege to be part of the family of God; He does not play favorites and wants everyone to come into His fold and be saved.  We should take this to heart in our ministry of evangelism.  God accepts everyone, regardless of race, social status, or circumstances. Salvation is available to anyone who ackowledges that they are need of saving, and calls upon Jesus as Lord and Savior.  This means that we should not discriminate when we go out and try to meet new people to share the good news with them.  We should always be willing to impart our faith to anyone, regardless of their initial reaction, and even though we are given a cold reception at first.

This is crucial to remember as people might mistake a cool exterior as lack of sympathy, and be turned off from the Word before they even begin to listen.  If we ourselves do not show enthusiasm for the words we are sharing, then how would the people we are reaching out to find a reason to believe us?

Father, let people see in me the person You created me to be.  Help me to shed my inhibitions and reservations about meeting and relating with new people.  Help me to pour forth the love I learned about in Jesus Christ, so that it flows through and out of me into the people that I meet, so that they too might be touched and filled with Your love.

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