Acts 11

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When the Apostles first heard Paul’s story they were initially flabbergasted.  Eating with ‘uncircumcised men’ was unheard of in those days, much less socializing with them in any sort of extended capacity.  It was probably as taboo to them as running out naked in the streets, or something equally socially horrifying.  And yet when Paul told them about it, sat down with them and explained it to them “precisely as it happened”, and claimed that it was in the name of God and by the grace of God, they believed Him.  This is what resonated with me the most in this chapter.

“When the others heard this, they stopped objecting and began praising God.

Acts of the Apostles‬ ‭11:18‬a ‭NLT‬‬

With no questions asked, with complete faith, they believed Paul’s simple telling.  And I had the further impression that they had to explain this to other members of the church as well, and had to be as convincing as Paul was, and I believe that in their complete belief at Paul’s story, they were able to tell it as compellingly as he was able to as well.

Lord, grant me the gift of clarity in my thoughts and speech, so that I might be able to impart Your Words to the people around me more clearly.  Let the Words that flow out of me be directly from you, unhampered by my own inabilities and uncomplicated with meaningless drivel.  Help me to learn and speak Your language of love that I may be a more effective learner and teacher to the people around me.

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