Please listen

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You have to go back to the basics.

You have to go back to the time when a sliver of light seen through the curtains of your windows made you joyful, for the parallel it draws with the constant shard of light you had in your heart back then.

You have to go back to the time when a deep blue sky made you marvel with the thought that it could never ever occur in that exact same hue in a computer screen, because the Lord God made it, and thus it is special and unique. You have to remember when the green of the grass and the trees outside your house is always crisp and fresh, and always made your heart skip a beat with it’s inexplicable beauty.

You have to go back to the time when you woke up and you immediately have a smile on your lips and a prayer in your heart, purely grateful for another day about to begin, excited to be getting out of bed, anticipating the quiet time in the morning when you were about to read the Bible again. The powerful praying time, when you had straightforward desires, and prayers for other people that you could express using simple words, and which you prayed for everyday until they came to pass, as you were positive, certain that they would.

You have to go back to the time when you played the songs that resonated with you over and over again until you can hear them in your head without the actual music, and how each one was meaningful and emotional for you, and how it felt that you were listening to them for the first time even though you’ve played them perhaps a hundred times already.

That time was golden. If it could be distilled, it would be yellow like sunflowers, and precious as the finest wine.

You have to try for it again.  It’s not impossible.  You have to try and capture those moments again.

This is non-negotiable.

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