Acts 4 – Begging the question

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Under heavy questioning, the disciples did not break or bow down to pressure. Instead they persisted in their effort to proclaim the name of the Lord.  They declared that the things they are doing are done in His holy Name.  Indeed, when they were ordered to stop, they said that they could not.

Just like the song goes:

“How can I keep from singing Your praise?
How can I ever say enough?
How amazing is Your love?
How can I keep from shouting Your name?
I know I am loved by the King
And it makes my heart want to sing”

Chris Tomlin, How Can I Keep From Singing

It’s a rhetorical question really.  How *can* we keep from praising His name?  Knowing what we know, and having experienced what we have, how *can* we keep from praising Him, apart from denouncing Him and removing ourselves from His good graces?  It’s quite unthinkable.

This is a good attitude to have in our ministry as leaders.  If we take the burden that is given to us as a beautiful inevitability, then the uncertainty will have been taken away from us, and we have only to push through with the tasks ahead of us with obedience and a following heart.

As your humble servant Lord, enable me to speak Your word with great boldness.  Let not the ways of the world nor the decisions of ignorant men affect my faith, nor my decision to serve.  Let me not be shaken by either petty arguments or strong logical philosophies, but let all my motives and actions always and ever be only based on Your Word.

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