Acts 7

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When God calls, go with confidence.  Even if it is outside your comfort zone, even if you are called upon to do things that you are not used to.  God has plans for you, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you.”  He is the God of circumstance, and He will cause all good things to pass in His time.  This is a part of our faith, and we should uphold this belief at all times, by committing to Him all the situations in our life, and being grateful whatever those situations may be.

This kind of blind faith is exemplified by Stephen in this chapter.  Even as he was being stoned to death, he did show his suffering, or his anger, or his remorse at being a Christian. His spirit stayed strong, and his faith remained intact all throughout.  To the very end, he was concerned about the people, even those who were stoning him at that very moment. And when it came his time to die, he saw God in heaven in all His glory. which is a reward in itself.

Father, make my heart worthy of your presence.  I hold myself as a temple for your Lord, so that you will find your dwelling within me, and see that I have prepared myself for your coming.  I know that it is only with a clean heart that I will be permitted to come into your presence, and so instill in me a worshipful attitude that will never tire of praising your name forever.

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