Be strong and courageous

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This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

‭‭Joshua‬ ‭1:9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Be strong

God, the creator of all things, the great provider who is the infinite source of blessings and power, is the one who is also the source of all of our strength. But this does not imply that we are to wait, and not do anything as we wait. It doesn’t say anywhere that we are to stand in the corner with mouths hanging limp, hands dangling to the side, as we wait for lightning to strike, and suddenly fill us with a fantastical sort of strength, just like in the movies, or in comic books.

Althought God ~can~ bless in that way. Of course He can.

I am the Lord, the God of all the peoples of the world. Is anything too hard for me?” ‬ ]

Jeremiah‬ ‭32:27

But He knows His children. He knows that it will not be to the best of our interests to experience strength that way. We wouldn’t be as effective. We wouldn’t know where to start.

The words “be strong” implores upon us to get up and move. It commands us to take action, to take a step towards bettering ourselves in the name of Jesus. It calls upon us to show willingness, to desire self-improvement.

It’s safe to assume that as human beings, we already want to be strong. “Wanting” is easy, and natural, and built-in to our very psyche. Is the “being” that is the challenge. This part takes effort, and conscious intentionality.

Be courageous

And so the second part of this verse is an encouragement towards the inherent difficulty in following that first statement. It helps takes care of the “what if”. It bolsters the heart, shoring it up with the scaffolding necessary in deciding to make such a bold move.

Taking action, taking the steps to be strong, does take courage, and a lot of it. Making moves, being so intentional, so earnest — this takes a certain amount of bravery.

Because people are inherently fearful. This life is beautiful, but it can be scary sometimes. And so fear and apprehension is a perfectly natural reaction to things that are unknown and uncertain.

Which is why there is a need for us to pray for courage. To rise up and take a stand, rather than just to lie low and let moments of greatness pass by. Even when it’s difficult. Even when there is a risk of failing.

However, all of this is not done blindly. We don’t just strike out and throw our punches with our eyes closed, swinging out at the air just wishing that we land a victory. Behind the desire to be strong, and the will to be courageous, there is a supernatural force that empowers us to make such purposeful decisions.

God is with you

Which brings us to the big finish. And what a finish it is.

Yes, being strong and courageous is really hard. Of course it is. If it was easy, everyone would do it.

Yes, the above attitudes goes against our very nature. People tend to have a self-preservation mindset by default.

But then, there is the undeniable fact of that last statement. “God is with you.” No one is being asked to do this alone. God will be the one bringing the strength. He will be the one infusing us with courage.

Instead of a chaotic reaction, we strive for a measured response. Instead of timid apprehension, we go for the bold move. And the presence of God is our assurance that we will not fail.

Be strong. Be courageous. God is with you.

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