Birthday Wishes for the Ladies

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It’s your birthday again, and I have so many things I want to tell you, so many things I want to share.

I want to have just the very best that life has to offer.  Even in your sadness, in the unfortunate things we have to go through in life, I want you to have the best kind of grief – do you know what I mean?  Like a good cry, an unembittered heart, a learning experience that you can take and use as a testimony, and an extra layer of protection in your already established armour.

I want you to allow yourself to hurt, but in a good way.  I know it’s strange to wish you that on your birthday, but I just want to stay real.

I want you to continue to grow more beautiful with each day and each month and each year that passes.  You shine so brightly sometimes, especially when you don’t know it.

You have a driving force, one that makes other people follow you, or makes them happy just to see you.  Channel this into a positive energy that will leave them in no doubt that you are a child of God, and this is why you light up a room just with your presence.

Some will say this is charisma; you will probably call it charm.  But really, it is a property of being a daughter of God.  The light comes from the torch of faith that you carry for Him, the sword of the Spirit which flames because of your love for Him.

You have a passion in you that I am glad to have witnessed being tempered over time and prayers into something womanly and wonderful.

I am so happy to be a part of your spiritual development.  I am also privileged to have been a part of your growing pains.  But I am especially blessed just by simply being your friend.

On your birthday I pray for you

another year of laughter to keep the marks of time at bay

another year of happy thoughts to make you smile all day

another year of tears of joy for when your gladness overflows

another year of being blessed with the bliss that God bestows

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