Daniel Fast – Day 2

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I will not get sick. I will not get a fever. My God is a miraculous healer. And He will restore me.

Yesterday afternoon I had a really terrible migraine. I tried eating some crackers. I drank a lot of water. I succumbed and took a paracetamol. Nothing worked. All throughout the meeting I had, and on the ride home, and through the night, I was still in pain. I woke up at 4AM, still with the headache.

As I write this, I have just taken another paracetamol. And I am claiming that I will not be sick. That this will not go into a fever.

Because my God is victorious.

Some people say that they get a headache when they don’t drink coffee, and I never really understood it. I know coffee is good, and it there are studies that say that it might really have health benefits. But I couldn’t believe that it would be such that not drinking it would have adverse effects. Even now that my eyes are blurring and my head is buzzing and ringing with the pain. I feel a fever coming on.

I am very very tempted to give up on this fast. As early as the second day no less. This pain is wearing me down. I am not used to feeling this way. This is not the way that I have been created. This is not the way that I have been built. I am made of stronger stuff than this.

If I continue, will it be just because of pride? Is this still God’s will for me, or am I just stubbornly continuing despite God telling me to stop?

If I stop, will it be because of a character weakness? Am I just allowing myself to cease because it’s easier?

I have to find the line that separates between being proud and being tempted.

I have to find a way to get over this sickness.

Tomorrow is another day. I will continue for as long as the Spirit leads.

And the Spirit is still leading.

But then again. The food that I’m eating everyday is already so minimal. I have already pared it down to what works for me. I have already planned it for the most efficient diet, with foods that are a) within my budget b) high energy c) low calorie and d) within my capabilities.

I do believe that I am already a good steward in this.

Also, as mentioned, I already eat so little. With the stringency of the Daniel Fast, I had to lessen my food even more.

The Spirit is still leading. I think I’m being affirmed for my food choices. I strayed away from it I and I immediately experienced health problems.

Ok then. What does it mean for my fast?

I’m bringing back the following:

  • Multi grain bread
  • Eggs
  • Cheese
  • Tuna
  • Milo oatmeal

I’m still fasting on these

  • Cakes, pastries, other sweet things
  • Coffee, juices, other beverages
  • Fast food, junk food

Foods that I’m adding

  • Lemon water
  • More yogurt
  • Peanut butter
  • Tofu
  • Cooked Greens

God is my strength.

#fasting #danielfast

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