Blueberry Cheese Sweet Puff

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This is more than just a puff.

This delicious piece of pastry goodness, soft to the bite, with buttery smooth cream inside and out, and sweet-tarty-tangy blueberry jam on top… I salivate just remembering it.

It is sweet, but not too sweet. This is not a cloying, sugary sweetness that makes you tire of the taste long before you finish. This is a multi-dimensional sweetness, layered with overtones of salty and sour.

It is soft, but not too soft. It yields. It is perfectly chewy, with a texture that delivers exactly what it describes in the name.

But enough about it’s physical attributes. It’s lovely-delicious characteristics.

This. Is. More than just a puff.

This confection… this is love. This is love in a bun. This is love in a tiny plate. This is love that you can see, touch, taste, inhale, and experience, all at once. In real, actual life.

Let me explain why.

The other day we had a small disagreement over this puff. The details are inconsequential. We were outside, we had a chance to get the puff, but I felt that he was rushing me to go home. Hence we did not get to purchase the puff.

(He would argue that this is not the series of events that he remembers, but this is my blog, and so the above statement will stand for now.)

It was a very small quarrel. A quibble if you will. We spent the night not speaking; the sun definitely did go down on our anger on that particular day. No matter. All was well the very next morning, so, no harm no foul.

Two days later, he went out and bought me said puff. With no prompting whatsoever. And no warning, apart from asking me to message him what flavor I wanted as he was walking out the door.

I would like to pretend that I played it cool and said, “Whatever.” Reader, I did not. I immediately hopped on to the Chewy Junior website, went through the menu, added items to my cart, and sent him a screenshot of that cart, pronto.

He got me two boxes.


And so I say that love–that elusive, ethereal, hard-to-define, hard-to-capture concept–is suitably encapsulated in this fluffy, creamy bun. In this moment, and quite by surprise, it’s how he says he loves me. And I hear it. And see it. And taste it. In this blueberry cheese Chewy Junior puff.

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