It has to be said
4 Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went. 5 Philip went down to a city in…
4 Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went. 5 Philip went down to a city in…
How can you say you have no time? God gave us 24 hours and 7 days a week each. He…
I was raised in a pious Roman Catholic family, and we went to church every Sunday. Even at a very…
This morning, even before reaching the office, I have had 3 support requests. Another one came in just as I…
The method has always been our prerogative. The medium has always been dictated by circumstances. God has always allowed us…
Never forget to bring it back to Jesus. Let’s step forward in faith and humility, hope and courage, and with our five stones, come before Him expecting Him to move.
A mob quickly formed against Paul and Silas, and the city officials ordered them stripped and beaten with wooden rods….
One of the harder concepts to grasp for non-believers is that of sacrifice. The word is loaded with negativity. It…
When you step on that stage, you’re supposed to be prepared to serve with all your heart. This is step…
this is Your kingdom Lord, this is Your hall, this is Your throne room; in here You reign, in here…
“There will come a time when the true measure of your faith is when you are forced to look for…
The method has always been our prerogative. The medium has always been dictated by circumstances. God has always allowed us…
I’m trying to fill my days and my nights because otherwise I will slip and fall into the abyss the…
Love is making a decision to commit to fulfilling another person’s legitimate needs. Love is not having butterflies in your…
I don’t feel anything most of the time. That’s why I love musicals so much, and movies, and tv shows…
You hold on to the memory of your sin, and ascribe upon it a sense of misplaced glory. You are…
I would be fine, and then suddenly I would be caught unawares, drowning under a heaving wave of nostalgia, and crying once again.