Costly gifts

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I prayed before reading the daily text for today, and it was great.  I followed the ACTS template, and it worked.  It was refreshing to be able to pray like that.

I took a little longer in the Thanksgiving part.  Aside from worshipping Him, this is the second most important thing that I don’t think I do often enough.  There is going to be an entry here someday about everything I have to be thankful for, and that is going to be one long entry.  I have so many things to be grateful for.  He has given me so much that it feels impertinent to ask for any more.  Aside from the material things, there are also the breaks.  I hardly have any major problems.  Recently at least, but still.  One of my final thoughts on matter was, “I am not worthy to receive You, I am not worthy to receive any of this, but thank You so much.”  I know it’s a rehash of the prayer said in one of my favorite parts of the Holy Mass, but if fit my thoughts exactly right there and then.

I wasn’t surprised anymore when I read the text and it was appropriate to what I was thinking.  He always does this 🙂 The reading talked about the cost of salvation, and its paradoxical nature in that it is both free and extremely costly at the same time.  I’m thinking that God, in his infinite goodness and omnipotence, can do anything, and He chose to give me all these things, not the least of which is the opportunity to make good with Him right now and be saved, and be assured of a place in Heaven with Him for all eternity.  He chose to give me all these gifts because He can, and He is good.

Now I just have to make sure that I never forget the value of what He chose to provide me with.

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