In sickness and in health

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Praise the Lord, my soul,
and forget not all his benefits—
who forgives all your sins
and heals all your diseases

Psalm 103:2-3

Dear beloved,
Maybe today, you feel sick but you really cannot pin point what is wrong with you. You just don’t feel like doing anything or you are just sick and tired of being sick and tired. Come to me all of you who weary and heavily laden and I will give you rest.

I love you regardless of who you are and what is your past and I look forward to who you can become. You say you love me, you believe in me, you trust in me but lo and behold your love, your trust and faith will one day be tested.

Test comes in different ways and sometimes in the area of physical wellness. Sickness doesn’t comes from me but I allow it to come in order for you to understand faith, trust and healing.

In sickness and in health know that I am your Father, I will never leave you nor forsake you. My provision will flow so that you know that I am your Jehovah Jireh, the great Provider.

What I do now every week is that I try to get in a run.  I would bring my running clothes to the office, change before I go home, and then run the 4 or so kilometres to our block.  To make it an even 5 kilometres, I would do a few rounds on the pathway below our building.

Now all that is very easy to write, and much much harder to do.  Because I am not a jogger, my legs start to hurt almost immediately when I jog.  Specifically my right shin.  It would be agony to take every step.  And if I try to adjust my stride to alleviate the pain, my left ankle starts to act up.

This got so bad that during my last run, I found myself needing to stop and cry because of the pain.

At these times, I would pray.  For immediate healing.  For a miracle.  I would speak in tongues, and shout the declarations in my head.  I would berate myself, and shame myself into continuing.  I would keep saying to myself, “I am not this girl.  I am not weak.  I am sturdy and sporty.  My body has always been strong.  God built me strong.  I am not this girl.”

And every time, the prayers work.  I am able to get on, get through the pain, and sometimes the pain would even subside.  Every time it is a testimony.

Unbelievers could say, why doesn’t God heal your leg completely?  So that you wouldn’t have to suffer every time?

There’s a long answer to that, which I won’t cover here, but the short one is this: God gives us every day our daily bread.  He wants us to ask, to come to Him, to have enough faith to pray and believe and trust He will provide healing and strength and support when the time is needed.

I will still run, and it might still be painful.  But I know that my God is but a prayer and a declaration away.


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