To love and to cherish

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See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.

Isaiah 49:16

My sweet child,
When you hear the word cherish, what comes to your mind? I know there are a few things that you cherish. And because you cherish them you value them and keep them safe, clean and show it more care than other things you own.

Cherishing someone you love is similar, but much deeper. When you cherish someone you put them first and you give them the best you have to offer. The ones you cherish are the ones you receive joy when serving.

Those people I cherish, I want to protect and give my ultimate care. And I love and cherish you my dear child. I choose to love and cherish you no matter what.

My child, you should remember of how I love you and how I demonstrated my love for you. Look in to all areas of your life that encountered my provision and breakthroughs. Tell to your children and people of all nations and languages of all the good things that you received from your Abba Father.

I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.

Jeremiah 31:3

Last June 29, my partner of many years surprised me with an engagement. He did it after a family dinner.  With an acoustic band playing a song he requested, he tapped me on the shoulder, and when I turned to him, he was holding out this ring, and he asked me to marry him.

Let me describe the ring for a second.  It is a beautiful ring, with a big diamond.  I never thought I was ever going to have a diamond ring in my life, much less one for an actual engagement.  It’s shiny and expensive, and when I’m wearing it, I feel special, and vulnerable, and wanted.  I want to wear it all the time, and the same time, I’m scared to scratch it, or damage it, or God forbid, lose it somehow.

I will take care of this ring, because my love gave it to me, and because I know it represents so much more.  But at the same time, I know that even if it is tarnished, or even if disappears somehow, I know that he will still love me, and that love will never diminish.

And I know this because of God’s love.  I know that this kind of love exists because Jesus taught us this, showed us that this is possible.


1 comment

  1. Whoa, way harsh. Why would Gmail bring this up now? I mean I expect this from some people in my life, the ones who should know better. But this dissociated, inanimate, artificial, unthinking *machine* does it, and I’m a little bit offended, a little bit mystified, and a lot more convinced that the robot uprising is nearing very very soon HAHAHHAA.

    These are sad times people.

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