20/20 Vision Part 2: God’s Miracles

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Sometimes we forget our past blessings. We lose the feeling of what it was like to have a miracle happen.  We lose that initial wonder.  That sense that something fantastic just took place.

Right after this happened I couldn’t stop talking about it. I had gotten so used to my glasses that at first my face felt naked without them. I kept forgetting that they weren’t there anymore, and I would keep reaching up with my finger in the space between my eyes because I was just so used to pushing my glasses up even when they weren’t sliding down. They weren’t a great weight at all, but I felt so liberated when I didn’t have to wear them anymore, didn’t have to remember to bring them everywhere I go.

And when someone would tell me that I looked different, and ask what was new about me, I would tell them the story of my glasses all over again. I was always so excited when I tell it, I never left out any details, and I was always smiling when I tell the story. If they wear glasses I would ask them if they want to join the choir, cause then maybe it could happen to them too.

But that was two years ago, and everybody knows about it now, and I don’t tell it like I used to. Just the other day someone asked me about a photograph they saw of me from five years ago, and when they asked why I looked to different I just said matter of factly, “I used to wear glasses, now I don’t.”

And it’s not that I’m any less appreciative of the great and wonderful favor that God bestowed on me. It’s not that I take it for granted now. It’s just that the miracle lost its novelty on me. It’s not news anymore.

Much like the people in the desert must have grown tired of the manna from heaven after the first few weeks, we sometimes grow so accustomed to daily miracles that we tend to take them for granted. We become very hard to impress.

God knows of this very human trait. That’s why in His wisdom He made it so that we need to ask of Him every single day. Not that it is not within His power to bless us once and for all, but only because it delights Him when we go to Him and ask, and it delights Him when we are amazed each and every time.

Since God reminded me of that miraculous healing that I experienced before, I’ve chosen to be excited about it all over again. Because really, it’s an everyday thing. Every time I open my eyes, I can see clearly, and for me that is a daily miracle.

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