In the Bible, there are plenty of instances when God shows the wonderful things He can do; things that are hard to understand; things that show His great power.
God used these awesome feats so that He can show us His divine authority. By displaying wonders such as cannot be done by human hands, He is showing what He is capable of, the reach of His mighty hands.
And even though they are not the proof of His existence (i.e. they should not be sole basis of our belief, should not be the source of our faith), their existence does give us a glimpse of what He looks like on earth, in as much as God can have an earthly representation, in a tangible way that most people can respond to and connect with. There is no doubt that they can ignite spiritual fervor, and fan the flames of our zeal.
However by their very nature, these miracles, these extraordinary, inexplicable, supernatural events, are almost too hard to believe. They are outside the realm of what we think and perceive are possible.
And as time passes, as we learn more and more about the world we live in, miracles are harder and harder to swallow. Our naturally curious minds, hungry for knowledge and always seeking, always searching (a quality which is a God given gift in itself) strain to understand exactly what is happening at any given moment. We need explanations. We need proof. We need receipts!
Therefore it has become more of a challenge to believe in miracles than ever before.
It takes a person with heightened awareness to recognize hyper realism
Which is why posit the following: it takes wisdom to believe in miracles. I submit that it takes a person with heightened awareness to recognize hyper realism. This would be a person who is more attuned not just to their physical surroundings, but also to what is happening at the very edges of their peripherals. An intellectually advanced person who is open to realities above and beyond what his own human (i.e. flawed and weak and lacking) mind can comprehend.
And all of this is still coming from a pragmatically inclined way of thinking. I respect the scientific method; sound logic and deduction still has their very important place in this world. Counter intuitively, it is also the reason why I find it possible to believe in miracles. Sound logic and deduction combined with a heart that is sensitive to the Holy Spirit, helps to qualify between truly God-given miraculous events, and those that are merely fantastical in nature.
Ultimately, all knowledge and wisdom comes from God. And so it stands to reason that no matter how we get to any conclusion, He will still be at the center and at the end of it all.
And that’s why I believe in miracles. I believe the stories in the Bible that say this or that happened. I appreciate the magical, fantastical aspect of it. I trust that it comes from God, and that it has a hand in the purpose that He has set for each individual who has a relationship with Him.
Thank you Jesus for this heart that You have given me that can find joy and delight in the world that You created. Thank you for this mind that can reason and debate, and yet still is able to stop and just be awed by the divine. Thank you for these eyes that recognize when you are showing me the fantastic, magical things and events around me. Thank You Jesus for miracles. Amen.