Psalm 6

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From Raquel:

9 The LORD has heard my cry for mercy;
the LORD accepts my prayer.

Psalm 6:9

For the first time, my colleague gave me a chance to have a break at work, while she took over my shift, which is something I have had a chance to do before while on the night shift.

From Chloe:

The Lord has heard my cry for mercy; the Lord accepts my prayer. Today God is telling me not to worry in some aspect of my life,  He definitely hears my prayer and will answer it in the right place and time. I’m confident enough in my leave on Feb. It will be approved and I will bring my family to the church.

Lord thank you for dwelling in me all the days of my life, and for the strength. Amen.

From Rosette:

Psalm 6 reminded me the times when I have done something foolish and realized that it will turn out to my dismay and suffering, that will in turn bring me to my knees, cry out to God for deliverance and ask God for forgiveness, to repent and just release the fear to Him.

“Fear” — this is what David felt as he has writing this Psalm, fear from his enemies that is surrounding him, be it from the Physical enemies or the conscience trying to blame him of what he’s done wrong. It must have been ringing in his mind, the fear and guilt coming together, that made him cry till his eyes grew weak.

He even told God not to rebuke him in his anger, for he knows that he has done something that is not pleasing to God, and He knows God well and that He will punish those who do wrong.

But what made me interested more is the ending of the verse saying

8 “away from me, all you who do evil,
for the Lord has heard my weeping.
9 “The Lord has heard my cry for mercy;
The Lord accepts my prayer”

Psalm 6:8-9

After bursting all his emotions to God, after confessing, asking for forgiveness and asking for help to God to get away from it, he turned his prayer to God to rebuke the enemies. After gaining confidence in talking to God, after asking forgiveness and gaining confidence about the attribute of God that He is already forgiven, he rebuked the enemies asking it to go away! He talked to the problem; he claimed by faith that God has forgiven him and that the Lord always hears his prayer and always hear his cry. He knows God well enough to claim all these. He sees himself as one that is always favored by God.

How well do I know God? How well do I know my father and Saviour in heaven?

Having read this verse made me realize that I have done this a lot of times myself.  Start the prayer with a cry asking God for help, asking God to forgive, and asking God to deliver me from the consequence of what i have done.  It’s really difficult to be in that situation, but there I always received deliverance.  God never failed to Help me.  I always without fail receive his rescue and in the end stand tall, laughing back at my enemies coz they were not able to withstand me.

That is the power of repentance and being weak so that we can ask God to work in us and be our strength. Allowing Him and trusting Him because you just dont know what to do anymore and are too tired to think, to fight, to justify ourselves.  Jesus already did it all for us.

Thank you Jesus for I know that all my failings gave me the reason to bow down on my knees, give you the wheel, and let you drive my life, let you control every aspect of it. Lord I ask for forgiveness for times when I do things my way, that leads me to forget that it should be unto your control and not mine, leading me to distruction.

Lord heavenly father, I pray in Jesus name that I will get to know more as David knows so that I can gain the confidence that He has in approaching your throne more. I pray that each day your love will continue to be more visible in my life, as I give it away to other people as well. Thank you for delivering me from my enemies, for helping me in my case last week. It is indeed you alone oh Lord who made a miracle, solved my problem and turned it into a deliverance for me. Thank you Jesus and I claim indeed that all my prayers are heard because I am your child and on the righteous your ears are attentive.

Thank you Jesus.
Thank you my Saviour
In Jesus name I pray
Amen 🙂

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