Day 12 – 2010 Easter Prayer and Fasting Guide

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Pray through the Scriptures
Isaiah 53:7-9
John 3:16; John 10:1-18; John 15:1-17
1 John 4:7-21

Personal Prayer
Amazing Love, how could it be, that you my King would die for me. Your pure love overwhelms me and I am just in awe. You laid down your life for me; no greater love can be known. Reveal to me more of the depths of your love, for it is absolutely transforming. Break away the clouds of doubt and the thick layers of my intellect and let me grasp the wonder of it all. I praise you! I thank you! I worship you! Amen

Easter Prayer
Pray that we will be a radically hospitable community, ready to warmly welcome and receive all who will come to be a part of our care groups and celebration on Sunday.

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