Day 12 Easter Fast 2013

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When I am with those who are weak, I share their weakness, for I want to bring the weak to Christ.  Yes, I try to find common ground with everyone, doing everything I can to save some.

1 Corinthians 9:22

Easier said than done sometimes, when one is a self-confessed geek/nerd/weirdo/insert stereotype here.  More often than not, I struggle to find common ground with other people.  I would be in a conversation, and I would mentally be rethinking everything I say as it comes out of my mouth, rehashing and evaluating it to myself.  I usually find myself clumsy, boring, or self-absorbed.

Like the way I am being right now actually.

But all of those are just quirks, pieces of me that make up my personality, in the way that God made me, and with the things that God gave me.  I believe that He has a lot more in store for me, more experiences and situations, and if I haven’t discovered things within me just yet, then I will in time, because I am a work in progress.

1 comment

  1. She breaks my heart sometimes.

    The naivety. The innocence.

    She has no idea what’s going to happen. In 2013, she was blissfully unaware that she will be broken into a hundred thousand tiny pieces seven years later, and she would lose her way, and she would find it hard to be fixed or to come back.

    Girl. You have no idea how weak you can be. You think you know, it’s 2013 and you think you know, with all your experiences and things that you’ve done and the people that you’ve met, but you have no freaking clue.

    I don’t want to go back to 2013. But I don’t want to stay here either.

    So where do I go then

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