Psalm 13

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I read this and dwell not on the note of misery that the psalmist has, but translate his despair into heartfelt desperation to see God’s face. He is in the throes of sadness, probably mired in problems at the time of his writing, but still he anticipates the time when he can sing to the Lord once again. He chooses to exalt the Lord, opts to rejoice in His name in the midst of His pain and sorrow.

From Lui

The Lord is always available and never busy to attend to our needs. He’s always present in us.

From Chloe

5 But I trust in your unfailing love;
my heart rejoices in your salvation.

6 I will sing to the LORD,
for he has been good to me.

Psalm 13:5-6

Today God is reminding me to trust Him in everything that’s happening in my life. This day is a very tough day for me, but I know that God has His own purpose for everything. It’s very hard but I need to surpass this day for me to draw closer to Him. Thank You God for this feeling.

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