Discover a Heart of Worship

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  • Start the session with a worship song
  • Share how you first started to worship, how you found it uncomfortable at first, then how you grew more used to it

Worship your God

  • good worship is compared to eating casually at home as compared to eating at a fine dining restaurant
  • God did not design worship to be an ‘expensive meal’
  • He wants it to be a family affair
  • our focus is not on pleasing people, but on pleasing God

    John 4:23-24

The Meaning of Worship

  • worship includes every action of our lives
  • our daily actions should be acts of worship
  • we should set aside a certain time abd occasion to worship God
  • it should eventually come naturally to us

Reflection: Why should I worship God?

Romans 12:1

  • worship is an integral part of Christian life
  • the Lord created us to enjoy Him
  • as God is spirit, we should worship Him in spirit, and not just by thoughts, rituals, or feelings
  • as God is truth, we should also worship Him in truth, and not by culture or tradition

Key Reasons for Worship

  1. It is a means for us to fellowship with God
    1 Chronicles 16:28-29
  2. God seeks true worshippers and esteems our undivided worship
    John 4:23-24
  3. The Bible encourages us to worship Him
    Psalm 95:6-7
  4. Worship honours God
    Psalms 50:23
  5. God is worthy to be praised
    1. He is Good. Psalms 34:8
    2. We recognize His benefits and wonderful deeds. Psalms 103:1-3
    3. The Lord has saved us from our sins and taken us as His treasured possession. Psalms 135:4
    4. Our God is great and awesome. Psalms 135:5

Attitudes to Adopt During Worship

Worship is not about how loud we can clap, or how gracefully we can dance, or how good our musical sense is; it is about a heart’s desire to long for God, being truthful, sincere, and willing to allow His Lordship to reign over our lives.

  • Place Him at the center of our worship. Psalm 103:2-4
  • Be willing to receive His forgiveness. Jeremiah 31:34
  • Do not depend on the place where you are worshipping. John 4:21
  • Be sincere. Isaiah 29:13
  • Be biblical, and worship God according to the truths in the Word of God.

Biblical Patterns of Worship

  • Singing praises to the Lord. Psalm 95:1
  • Clapping our hands. Psalm 47:1
  • Lifting our hands. Psalm 134:2
  • Standing. Psalm 134:1
  • Kneeling and bowing down. Psalm 95:6
  • With our spoken words. Psalm 145:21
  • With our tongues. Acts 10:46
  • With our stillness before the Lord. Psalm 46:10
  • Dancing with joy. Psalm 149:3
  • Singing new songs. Psalm 33:3
  • Using musical instruments. Psalm 150:3-6

Mentor Chat: What are the results of praising God?

  • God’s indwelling among worshippers (He visits us)
  • It brings the spirit of prophecy
  • It brings God’s power and victory
  • It inspires believers to sing new songs from their hearts to the Lord
  • It gives victory to Christians when their hearts are full of despair
  • It brings peace, joy, and happiness to God’s people.


  • True worship does not depend on where you are, nor upon who you are
  • True worship depends upon your heart attitudes towards God.
  • We worship in Spirit (not by thoughts, rituals, or feelings) and in Truth, the truth that comes from the Bible.

23Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. 24God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.

John 4:23-24

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