Remembering who I am in the Lord

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I am a woman of fire, and my heart is emblazoned with His name.  Everyday I burn with longing to be with my God; everyday I yearn for His truth.  I live with a passion for life lived to the full, accepting the charge and challenge to fight for the Lord if needed.  I am aflame with His Word, and the holy light inside me shines forth, making me sparkle, making me blaze.

I am a woman of earth, and my body is a temple for the Lord, strong and supple, and I am a tireless workforce. My hands are capable and willing and open.  I know a mother’s ways, and my household is always ready to receive.  I support, and I nurture, and I serve.

I am a woman of water, and my spirit pours forth with grace and gentleness, and I let myself be molded according to His heavenly will.   I get my fill to the overflowing from the ocean of graces made available to me by the Father.   I can come as soft as summer rain, refreshing, sweet and pure and clean.  I can come as a tempestuous typhoon, righteous, strong and certain and secure in my worth in the Lord.

I am a woman of wind, and my soul flows freely in praise and in worship.  I can fly as I set my feet to dancing, as I lose myself in joyful songs that rejoice in Him.  I can stroke the air and make it sing, the notes lilting and swaying in the breeze, my voice an instrument for the Lord.

I am woman, hear me roar.  I am eagle, watch me soar.  I am beautiful by design, by holy creation, and I reside in my Father’s heart.

I am beautiful by design, by holy creation, and I reside in my Father’s heart.

I am your mother, and your sister, and your friend, and your teacher, and your helper, and your partner.  I can be anything I want to be.  But most of all, most important of all, I am His daughter.

And no one can ever take that away from me.

Inspired by Ehlees.

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