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In the care group meeting today, we had to go out and evangelize, and honestly, I was more scared than excited by it.  What if people ignored me, or asked questions I couldn’t answer, or attacked my faith?  Also, I’d only started going to Church recently, and I wasn’t even that strong of a Christian yet, what gave me the right to invite other people to come?

In my head I was seeing scenarios of people I approach telling me that they’re Catholic, and me answering back with, “So am I!  So I’ll see you there?”

But Rosette had a discussion about it before we went off, and the thing that struck me the most in the notes that she gave us was the one about being privileged to know the truth about God, and so had the responsibility to share it with others, who might not be lucky enough to have the same exposure to the Church as I did.  So I went into it with just that thought in mind, that I would give others a chance to get to know something different, something that might help them, like it’s currently helping me.

And it worked.  Not concentrating on how other people would react, just on the pure and true intentions behind it, actually worked.  We talked to around ten people, and only two of them were outright rejections.

Baby steps.   But still.  Steps in the right direction at least.

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