Everyday the Same

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Every morning, between 9:45 to 10:00, I have chocolate flavoured oatmeal. The recipe is always the same. Use the stoneware DINERA Ikea mugs, the cone-shaped ones, not the ones with the bigger opening, because the oatmeal will get cold faster, and a big tablespoon, also from Ikea. This is not a quirk, it’s just that they’re what we have in the office right now.

Then take my not-so-secret Quaker Oatmeal stash from the second drawer from the bottom of the lounge area pantry. Put in 5 heaping tablespoons of oatmeal. Take the big Milo can and put in 3 heaping tablespoons of the chocolate powder. Take the plastic container of sugar, then put in 3 level teaspoons of the white stuff.  Stir the oatmeal, sugar, and chocolate powder together while dry, so that it would be easier to dissolve when the hot water is added.

Add 92-100 degrees Celsius boiling water to the mixture, filling the cup up to 2 centimetres before the edge, letting the bubbles escape first by stirring the bottom of the cup gently with the spoon, and then filling the rest of the cup all the way to the top with the hot water.

Every day, always the same, for three years now.

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