God’s Timing

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God’s timing is beautiful and perfect.  His plans for us are wonderful in their mystery, and if we just allow ourselves to step back in order to see things from a different perspective, or from the bigger picture, then we will see the ordered symmetry with which God has already laid out the blueprint of our entire being.

His mastery over our lives is complete, and His plans for us encompass time, space, and circumstances.  His power and reach is infinite, and goes beyond what we can imagine even in our wildest dreams. He takes us by the hand and guides each step that our feet make, putting us down gently on the path towards a full and healthy life lived to the fullest.

He knows what is best for us, and fulfills our needs even before we give voice or thought to it. He knows the best way to shape us, mold us; everything that happens in our lives has a reason. Wherever we are, there God put us; whatever we have, that is what God deems is necessary for us in the process of making us grow and prosper.

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