LifeGroup Sharing

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“Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” 

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NLT

These were the sharings from our life group on September 7, 2017, edited for clarity and brevity. God bless this family! We learn from God’s Word and from one another, and in so doing grow closer to Him.


My devotion topic for 33 days is on happiness. I learned that God wants us to have an attitude of gratitude. He wants us to be faithful and thankful for the things He has given, and He will give us more.

I am also reminded of God’s test of faith for me during this season. His timing is always perfect, and I have trust and hope in Him alone to get through everything in life.

This also speaks to me as an introvert. One thing about me is that I am always in my head, and sometimes thoughts tend to pile up into negativity. Little by little, God takes this away from me, and replaces it with what is good.


Our joy and gratitude in Christ shouldn’t disappear, even through troubles. Prayer is the way that we lay down our burdens before God.

Also, it also speaks to how we should deal with our anxiousness about the unknown. We know that some things are inevitable: testing, death, and other such unavoidable things. But through it all, we shouldn’t forget to trust in God.


This happened to be my devotion verse from yesterday. In our workplace and in our ministry, this is applicable for when our patience is tested. We have to remember to always draw from the love of God. I am reminded again now that it’s all about His love. So that, in whatever situation, we can remember that we have God in our heart.


My devotion these days is about assurance. These days, I find that I am less anxious, more patient, and more positive. I seek my strength my God alone. Consequently, I am more sensitive to the blessings that He gives me in my life.


This is a reminder for me, applicable both in my personal life and work place. Patience, gratitude, joy — all are God’s special messages to us.


My reflection on this is that I should be consistent about the values described in this verse. I have to be more conscious about my attitude, my outward behaviour, so that God’s spirit, His joy, will show in how I live my life as a firm and stable Christian. We are representing God, and we should always remember that God made us the way we are, gave us our characters, so that we can use it for His glory.

I see difficult circumstances as a challenge, a way for me to grow more in God. Through all of this, I ask the Holy Spirit to lead me and be with me.


Above all this, it all boils down to our attitude. God is reminding to always focus on His character, and make it into our own. When Paul was given his trials, he always brought it back to God.

And God always makes it so that the things we do in the natural world resonates into something spiritual that glorifies Him.

At the end of the day, whatever level of spirituality we are in, our purpose is always to give Him greatness and glory. And whatever we are investing in in His church will always bear fruit in all aspects of our life.


Jumping off of Belai’s question, I want to validate feelings of sorrow, of despair. I believe that these are still God given emotions. Sometimes we are made to feel this way because God wants us to draw closer to Him.

“Crisis doesn’t create our need for God. Crisis merely reveals our need for God.”

We always have to be prayerful.

Photo credits courtesy of Keeshian

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