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Wandering lost in the darkness
My soul crying out from within
The depths of my sorrows
And hopeless tomorrows
An unending ocean of pain

Loneliness comes, I am helpless
The walls in my heart closing in
Trapped in a prison
Of my own devising
Just waiting for my life to end

But in the chaos
Someone speaks and
Tells my heart to be still
In my weakness
Something comes and
Lifts me up and I hear

Come to me all who are weary and tired
Come to me all who are weak and expired
Lay down your burdens, let go of your fears
I am the Lord, I am here
Call out my name and receive my salvation
Cry out in pain and I will give you strength
I will refresh and renew what was lost
I am your God, I am love

I am love


Walking in newfound forgiveness
Your grace is my comfort within
The joy of my soul
As I give You control
I’ll never be hopeless again

This original song is inspired by the Book of Job. It is slow and sombre, moody and emo.

Will post a link to the melody when Jimmy finishes the arrangement.

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