In total control

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When we receive God in our hearts, He becomes the one in control. He becomes the driving force. Our destiny, having already been predetermined by Him in His wisdom, becomes apparent to us. Our purpose in life is revealed.

No, Christians do not suddenly become time bending, palm reading, psychic clairvoyants. Rather, we are privy to a much more important truth — that further down then line, when it matters the most, we know where we are going to end up.

And with this knowledge, we then know how to live this life. How to feel, think, and act.

I like this paradox. Instead of the apparent loss of control (because we leave it all to the goodness of God), we actually gain more of it (because He gives us cause and agency to be good ourselves).

Leaving it all up to God gives us full control of how we live our lives.

My destiny is with God. My fate is to be with Him. I am not lucky; I am blessed.

And I am control, because He is in control of me.

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