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Father I give my life to You, I give my soul to You. I offer you the work of my hands, using talents and abilities that come from You in the first place. I give You back the fruits of the provisions that You, in Your infinite wisdom, saw fit to provide me. You made me the way I am today, and I give it all back to You through my service, by blessing other people in Your name. You have seen fit to find favour in me Lord, and I offer You the highest praise and the purest worship from the bottom of my heart.

Are there words to describe the gratitude I feel in my heart? You suffered and died on the cross for us, saving our souls and showing us how to live. Your love abounds, Your goodness overflows, and we are not worthy. Jesus I cannot even begin to imagine the pain that You went through. You are the almighty God, yet You allowed Yourself to be hurt, You allowed men to debase You and flay You and ridicule You, before taking Your earthly life. And all just to save the very same people who condemned You, the people who continually reject and deny You.

Lord I am a small person with a small mind, and I will not even begin to pretend to understand Your entire mystery. And yet I will not wait for the full understanding, which might be nothing but surface knowledge, before having faith in You.

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