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Where would I be without You, Lord, what would my life be like? It would be as a branch adrift in a cold and cruel sea with no hope of salvation, thrown about and buffeted by the relentless waves.

Or a parched rock in a desert of endless sand, dry and parched and ceaselessly seeking water that is nowhere to be found.

Or a lone stump on top of a high, lifeless mountain of rock, shivering and cold amidst the whistling winds that cut and slice with their chill.

I’m sure even the strongest sun will not be able to warm me; I’m sure the brighest light of the moon will not be able to guide me in the dark of night.

You are the creator of all of these, and you are greater than all of these. We are not even able to comprehend the enormity of Your power, and all that you are capable of, and the entirety of Your kingdom.

Your creations are heavenly and majestic, and we bow to your power. Nothing that is of an earthly nature will ever compare to the things that are from Your heavenly hands.

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