Miracles from Heaven

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Watching this movie, Miracles From Heaven, and towards the end there was a scene where the daughter goes through an out of body experience, and says that she went to heaven, and that God spoke to her (without using words).

The heaven scene was very highly stylized. It was all very colorful, with pastels and rainbows and flowers and clouds and water and all the beautiful things.

But the thing is, no matter how hyper realized and beautiful that scene was, I am positive that it doesn’t come close to the real heaven. This is us trying, with all our considerable might to describe the indescribable. Small minds coming together to try and visualize the majesty, the grandeur, the glory of heaven.

However, this is not to say that we should stop trying, stop striving to see the ultimate good be envisioned here on earth. To cease would be to admit hopelessness, settle for the banal.

God didn’t create us to just sit back and relax. He designed us to be moving, growing, and evolving living things. We are makers, just like He is.

And if something is worth making, if something is worth doing, then it is worth doing well. It is well worth our time to make something exquisite and divine.

So that heaven scene — who knows, it might be accurate, or it may be way off base. They still get points for trying.


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