On (500) Days of Summer

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This is how I felt like in the ending, when the very last word of the script was said:

Like the last page of a really good book.
Like the distant smell of freshly brewed coffee.
Like sun dried bedsheets.
Like a breath of crisp, clean mountain air.
Like a giggle.
Like a prayer.

Surely this is the stuff of which heaven is made.  Emotions such as these.  Notions.  Pure sensory delights that overload the senses and evoke bliss.  Simple happiness.  Great joy.

This was a very good movie, and it wasn’t religious or Christian in the least.  But afterwards I felt like I had just finished praying. Because I attributed the “good” emotion to something that God created, albeit indirectly.  It was strangely liberating, and refreshingly exhilarating at the same.  It explains to me why or how I can “love” other things, or people, in this world, while still being in love with God the whole time.  It’s a part of living a full life in the Lord.

God, there is so much art and beauty in the world. And while it doesn’t come close to Your awesome wonders, I thank You for gifting mere mortals with the capacity to create and inspire such artful emotions among Your children.  Amen

1 comment

  1. Oh wow, she felt like this before? This was way back 2009 I think.

    It speaks to how different I am as a person that I can’t relate to the one who wrote the above.

    I’m glad she enjoyed the movie. But I can’t remember who she is right now.

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