Mutual Edification

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19Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.

Romans 14:19

One thing that surely irks me these days is when I hear negative things being said by other people. These may be in the form of insults, whether with malicious or humorous intent, put-downs, defeatist views, or other words that contrive to denigrate another person or group. I don’t like hearing them, feeling that they add no value to any conversation, even if they are just said in jest. Come to think of it, maybe especially when they are said in jest.

Words are powerful, and even more so when they uttered by Christians, because then they are being said with the same mouth that calls upon the name of the Lord.

Lord, may the words that come out of my mouth be pleasing to Your ears, may the words that I say reflect upon me as a woman after Your own heart, showing me as a person who speaks for You. May my mouth not be corrupted with words that hurt or cause pain or confusion to any of my brothers and sisters, and may my thoughts and my deeds only serve to love and encourage others. Amen

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