Only God

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The God of the impossible
You bring us to Your miracles
Your hand is supernatural
We stand in Your promises

Only God is able
Only God is in control
You’re a strong foundation
Our hope is in You!

Only You
Nothing we can do without You
You are the source that bring us to
A life that is stable
Love and peace is just found in You!
You are the light that bring us to
A life with our Saviour
Victory is just found in You!

The God who reigns unshakable
His rule supreme, unstoppable
The God of total providence
Fulfilling all Your promises

Our Hope unshaken
Your Faith unbroken
With Peace unending
Your Love unfailing

Your promises true God, we trust in You
We hold fast to Your love, and give to praise to

Repeat Chorus

With this song, we want to acknowledge that Only God is the source of all power strength and glory.  He can do miracles.  He works in the supernatural.  He can do the impossible.

His rule is complete, His reign is unquestionable.  He is mighty and sovereign over all.

These are lyrics for the Hope Filipino Anniversary 2017, with the theme of “Only God”. It wasn’t used, so it has no final melody or arrangement.