Start to be a Follower of God
Jesus Listens To God’s Word (Luke 2:41-52)
I trust in you with all my heart. Don’t let me wander away from your commands
Psalm 119:10
WORSHIP | You’re a Good Good Father |
Social media has permeated every aspect of our lives. No matter how hard we try to avoid it. Or no matter how untechnical we might think our lives are. Social media is all around us, and it has become unavoidable.

- YouTube
- Tumblr
- Flickr
- Any others you can think of?
(I can say that as someone who has actively been avoiding Facebook for most of her life. Up to now I still don’t have a Facebook account, for various reasons. But now I’m managing the church accounts, plural. So yeah, no matter how hard we try to avoid it, social media is now part of our world.)
But just because it’s all around us, it doesn’t mean we should let it in. Just because something is trying so desperately to capture our attention, it doesn’t mean that we should succumb and subscribe.
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
Proverbs 4:23 NIRV
We have to be careful what to let in to our hearts, and to our lives. All our resources are blessings from God, and we should be good stewards of His blessings, making sure we put each one to the best use possible, and that includes our time and attention. We can stand to be a bit more selfish with our time and attention, with what captures and fascinates us.
That means we have to be careful what or who we believe and follow.
Before we continue, let’s watch the video.
Jesus is the Son of God. He of all people knew to love and obey His parents. But when He was a young boy, He risked them getting angry and worried by staying behind at the temple that one time.
Notice that in the end, Jesus came back with His parents. He was always obeying what God commands, and as we have previously learned, this is also God’s command.
But also, Jesus knew the importance of God’s Word. He knew that in order to be closer to God, in order to obey and love God, He had to be always seeking Him and looking for Him, and staying close to Him.
1 Follow God: Read His Word
In His divine wisdom, He knew that it was important to follow God the Father. He knew the importance of staying close to Him, and seeking His Word.
God speaks to us in His still, small voice, and that’s something that happens in real life, and I pray for all of you to experience that at some point in your lives. But that will never happen if you don’t read the Bible. For the Bible is the way that we can reach God directly, anytime that we want, and anywhere that we are.
So, read the Bible! Spend more time with the Word of God than on social media. Listen to God, believe in Him, more than what the world says.
2 Follow God: Obey His Commands
You cannot say that you are someone’s follower if you don’t do the things that they tell you to do. It’s built in to the word itself: to follow = to obey.
So a true follower of God obeys the things that He says. What are those things?
- Love God
- Love neighbors
- Make disciples
- Plant churches
Does the above sound familiar? Can you think of other commands that God is telling us to do?
Be a follower of God, not of worldly things or desires. Read His Words, and obey His commands. Believe in Him, and He will bless you all the days of your life.