Why We Live in “What Pleases God”, and Eternity
Reflection Question for Teacher:
Why do we live in a way that pleases God? And what does it have to do with our eternity?
1 Fighting for our eternity
Although we are young, we must fight against the temptation to sin
When we allow ourselves to be tempted, we risk giving up our eternity with Jesus. We catch this risk at the root — even our very thoughts should be pure and true. That means a good foundation of God’s Word, and a well-guarded heart and mind.
God’s Word
2 Samuel 11 (The Story of David and Bathsheba)
Read it here
David was God’s beloved, slayer of the giant, writer of the Psalms; and yet even he fell into temptation. It was during a time in his life when he was supposed to go into war and he didn’t. His brain was unoccupied, his body was idle, and so he was spiritually weak. Temptation then had a foothold. He risked all that he had — his kingdom, his standing as a leader, his very destiny in God, for one moment of weakness.
2 Claiming our eternity
Although we are here on earth, we must live for eternity
Earth was perfectly created by God, and especially made for the people whom He loves. However, the same people made it so that sometimes, life on earth is not that good. But we have to remember that even as we are still in an imperfect world, we have to live in a way that looks forward to the eternity that is in store for us with Jesus, as if we are already in His Kingdom.
God’s Word
1 Samuel 17:32-50 (David Slays Goliath)
Read it here
David was an example of man who seemed like he was living in another plane of existence even while both his feet are still touching the earth. As a young shepherd, he would fight off wild beasts with his bare hands. He didn’t think twice about being able to beat Goliath, even when everyone around him said he couldn’t do it. David lived as if God was always with him. He not only believed it, he lived it.
3 Sharing our eternity
Although our inheritance is assured, it can still be increased by sharing about eternity to others
The promises of God are assured for all who believe in Him. God keeps His Word, and the good things that are in store for us when we are in heaven with Him. And all of these are all the more enjoyed when we share it with others.
God’s Word
John 4:7-42 (Jesus and the Samaritan Woman)
Read it here
When the Samaritan woman at the well learned who it was she was talking to, she left her water jar (she was too excited to remember it!) and went into her town to tell people immediately. This is the same urgency that we want to have, the same excitement that we want to have, about sharing Jesus to the world! She knew the amazing news she had with her, the source of living water that will keep her from ever being thirsty. And it burst out of her and overflowed into her entire community. And because she shared her eternity, they also got to know Jesus.