To the SocMed Writers

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Hi writers ^_^ as the majority of the captions for our posts will now come from you, I want to challenge you to create the “voice” of our Hope Filipino Church, one that will translate our church culture and identity.

That voice is a big part how people read our posts, and how they might perceive our church.

If it were a person, I would use the following to describe the hopesgfilipino account holder:

  • Godly
  • Warm
  • Caring
  • Personable
  • Pleasing personality ^_^
  • Positive
  • Approachable
  • Relatable
  • Aware of the trends/hashtags/etc
  • Appropriate

Ang bait nya diba hahaha.

So for captions what that means is:

  • Use first person view
  • Sound “familiar” or “close” to the person reading
  • Use relevant hashtags

A contemporary dance performance by TDCA Ministry about the transforming power of God’s love for us.
This. Dance. Was. Awesome!!! Our church has so many talented people! Who knew that we could do contemporary like that? With their performance, <Name1> and <Name2> really showed what it was like to have the ups and downs of a couple. Give us a thumbs up below if you want to see more like this ^_^

Do you notice the difference in tone and delivery? When I write a caption, I read it aloud in my head, with the tone and the nuance, to see if I hit the right note that I am going for.

And since we’re in a team, that’s where editing and suggestions come in. We can watch out for each other, and make sure that we’re speaking with the one voice that we are cultivating.

Some final notes/personal preferences:

  • Be aware of your exclamation pointssss. I edited the text above, it started out with way more pointssss before I realized it sounded more deranged rather than fun and bubbly
  • Always check spelling and grammar. Except when you’re doing it on purpose. For fun.
  • The word “indeed” is overused. Wala lang hahaha.