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While a tight belay is more often preferred by cautious or conservative climbers, there are times when the route dictates that the line should be given a bit more slack in order to be completed. This is especially true when the tile placing calls for advanced techniques that require dynamic moves, like jumping off rocks to cling on to the next hold, putting complete faith on the rope, the belayer, and the friction of the climbing chalk.

When this is needed, the climber would call down to the belayer for some “Slack!” and the belayer would comply immediately, so as not to interrupt the flow of the climb.

A common stumbling block that the growing Christian would often encounter in their walk with God is that of “legalism”. Sometimes this is evident when a moral value is taken to the extreme in the interest of “obedience”.

For example, when somebody tells you that you don’t pray often enough, or hard enough. Or that God would be angry at you because you don’t know all the verses in the Bible.

These are drastic examples, but unfortunately not outside the realm of possibility for some unenlightened people.

It is definitely not the way that God created His Church to be.

A climber would ask for some slack on the rope when the belayer is pulling too hard, or tightening too often. It is for the benefit of both parties that the pressure on the line is just right at all times. The climber gets the benefit a harder workout, and a sense of fulfillment from sending the route on their own. Likewise, the belayer avoids straining themselves unnecessarily in the pursuit of providing a safe and secure climbing experience.

Everyone needs space to move, and room to breathe. If we hold the reins too tight, we will hinder growth. A person’s faith should not suffocate under the supposed covering of someone else’s overblown ideas of leadership.

Always leave space for the Holy Spirit to move.

1 comment

  1. … but not so much space that the Holy Spirit roams around in the empty shell of your heart, because you’ve moved so far away from God.

    It’s a matter of balance people!

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